Pengen tahu REVIEW BOOK yang oke?? Atau pengen baca CERPEN karya orisinil dari anieztaa? Welcome to my worlds, It's all about "ANIEZTAA FEELS"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

See in The Dark!

I see the stars which is spreads in the dark sky,,
Oh God,, That's so beautiful

There's various of that stars,,
Some stars looks big and glow brightly,,
And others looks small and just glow dreary...
Both have a some role to illuminate the earth in the dark...

But, i like those stars...
Yeahh,,like me...
An ordinary girl who isn't popular...
But, i believe i can be helpful people around me...


  1. a man who could seek a hidden helpful star, he must be a lucky guy. it's harder than got a brighter one which existed around, right?

  2. thanks ijul bwt comment-nya...hhhehheh
